Honouring our Veterans

We are a non-profit organization assuming the responsibility of maintaining the tradition of Remembrance for those who paid the supreme sacrifice, defending our great nation, in past and present conflicts, so that we, as Canadians, may enjoy the many freedoms we have today!

We continue to support Veterans, with many benefits, thanks to thousands of dedicated volunteer members at all levels of the organization.
Maintaining the tradition of Remembrance is a sacred trust and the Legion's most important role. Legion Remembrance programs commemorate all service men and women who have died in the service of Canada during war and peace.
The Poppy Campaign

The Poppy, has been widely recognized as a symbol of Remembrance, since it was first adopted in 1921. By wearing the Poppy, we show our appreciation for those who gave their lives, and demonstrate our gratitude to those who survived, for the freedom we enjoy as Canadians.
Each year, Legions throughout Ontario conduct the Poppy Campaign from the last Friday in October to Remembrance day - November 11. The campaign raises awareness of the Poppy as an important symbol of Remembrance.
The basic purpose of the Poppy Fund is to assist ex-service personnel in need or distress. This may include support via food, shelter, or medical assistance for Veterans and/or their families.
Funds raised during the Poppy Campaign are also used for the following:
Comforts for Veterans in hospital
Legion Service Bureau
Medical appliances
Medical research
Medical training
Donations for disaster relief (as declared by Federal and Provincial governments)
Educational Bursaries
Remembrance Day Poster and Literacy Contests (poems and essays)
Any ex-service personnel or their dependent is eligible to apply for financial aid from Poppy Trust Funds, whether they are an official Legion member or not.
Poppy Trust Funds are placed in trust to be used for those purposes authorized in the General By-Laws of The Royal Canadian Legion. Campaign expenses are minimal through the efforts of our valued volunteers.
For further information, please contact Ms. Pamela Sweeny or Ms. Juanita Kemp at The Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Command office at 905-841-7999.