About The Royal Canadian Legion
Following the First World War, many returning Canadian Veterans found themselves without an organization dedicated to addressing the unique social and health problems associated with their wartime service. To address this need, many Veterans organized into regiment associations and service groups, but found that despite their shared goals, efforts were heavily fragmented across the country. Eventually, a movement for unity across all Veteran groups and associations emerged as the Dominion Veterans Alliance, which would lead to the Legion's official founding in 1925 as The Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League, later renamed more simply to The Royal Canadian Legion in 1960 (with the Queen's blessing).
With the advent of the Second World War, the Legion was faced with a host of new issues demanding their attention. The organization expanded its capacities to offer more dedicated support for all Veterans, including active service personnel abroad, to become the leading community service organization we know and love today.
While the Legion has adapted and evolved over time, its commitment to helping advocate for Veterans and their families, while fostering nationwide remembrance has remained at its core.
Last Post Br. 410
On November 10, 1978 the Charter for Port Stanley's first Royal Canadian Legion Branch was granted through the Dominion Executive Council. With this, Last Post Ontario Branch No. 410 was inaugurated with Bob Davidson as Charter President. Mr. Davidson went on the serve as President for several consecutive terms from 1978 to 1982 and another term from 1991 to 1992.
The Last Post Branch is located on the historical site of a Beaver Lumber Co. operation that would ultimately sell the under-performing property to Bob Davidson and his crew of would-be Branch 410 founders. The branch number mentioned here (410), was selected as an ode to the St. Thomas Legion Branch 41, after a meeting between officers from their branch and a group of Port Stanley vets. Bob Davidson and his Port Stanley group requested the blessing of St. Thomas Legion to go forward with the founding of a Port Stanley legion, due to their close proximity. In their meeting, the two groups jested at an appropriate branch number for the new Legion, when one of the St. Thomas officers replied "Oh, that's simple, Branch 41 with nothing added!" and from there the Port Stanley branch number stuck, as Branch 410. As legends has it, the "Last Post" designation was originally suggested by one Steve Stephenson, simply because no other Legion had that name.
In 1978, two veterans - Stevie Stevenson and Len Lanley - started a rumour about a new legion. They advertised in the newspaper for all Port Stanley veterans to attend a meeting, to which eighteen attended and would eventually elect Bob Davidson as President, Eric Kipling as 1st VP, Gerte Bowness as Secretary, Wally Johnson as Sgt-at-Arms, and Barb Miller, Stevie Stevension, Glynn Dunn and Norm Barber as other Executives, thus officially forming the Port Stanley Royal Canadian Legion, Last Post Branch 410.
Br. 410 in the Community
The Port Stanley Legion takes pride in giving back to the community wherever possible. Our branch takes an active role in contributing to the betterment of our community through a variety of sponsorships, fundraisers, and donations.
Legion Sports & Activities
The Port Stanley Legion is proud to host a wide variety of weekly activities and sports leagues. Please find a list of just some our events below:
Tuesdays at 7:00PM
Wednesdays at 1:00PM
3rd Friday of the Month (Sept. to April)
Tuesdays at 6:00PM
Mixed Darts
Friday at 7:30PM
Wednesdays at 7:00PM
Meat Draw
Saturdays at 3:00PM
Fridays at 1:00PM
Quiz Night
4th Friday of the Month
For all these events and more, please check out the Events Calendar!
Children & Youth Programs
The Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command in partnership with local legions like Port Stanley's Br. 410 is proud to offer a variety of Child & Youth focused programs. These offerings include the biannual Pilgrimage of Remembrance, the Cadet Corps, and Track & Field programming, alongside various bursaries and contests. For more information on the Ontario Command's Child & Youth Programming, please visit their website.
Track & Field Program:
Our track and field starts at the District level and Youth 17 years of age and Under athletes can register to compete at the meet either with their club or as an unattached athlete. The cost is minimal and they can participate in multiple events. Once the results from the District track meet are all in the District Track and Field Committee meet and form a team to take to the Provincial meet. Similar ones the Provincial meet is complete a committee meets and goes over the results to make up the Provincial team that will represent Ontario at the National Track and Field Meet.
For more information on the Track & Field program,
please visit the Ontario Command's Track & Field information page.